Tuesday, November 15, 2016

In this month's Doctor Who Magazine...

The new issue of Doctor Who Magazine goes on sale in newsagents and supermarkets this Thursday (17th November) and it celebrates 50 years since Patrick Troughton first appeared in the role of the Doctor.

The 84 page issue includes several features on the second Doctor, including an overview of his stories, and a look at the new animated version of Planet of the Daleks.

There are many other features too of course, dealing with other periods in the show's run, including a nine page Fact of Fiction article on the 2005 story The End of the World, interviews with four Doctor Who directors, and the family of production designer Peter Brachacki remember him. 

The 12th Doctor comic strip Bloodsport continues too, with another 12 page episode by Mark Wright and Staz Johnson…

There's another Daft Dimension strip by me…

Plus artwork by Adrian Salmon, and a short tribute to Steve Dillon written by Dez Skinn. 

Another excellent issue, and a must for all fans of Doctor Who! 84 pages for £5.99. 

1 comment:

  1. Psst. You said "Planet of the Daleks", not "Power of the Daleks". Anyway, good stuff.


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