Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Rok scores another winner!

There's a new issue of Rok of the Reds out and once again it hits all the targets. With a script by John Wagner and Alan Grant, art by Dan Cornwell, and colours by Abby Bulmer, this issue develops the intriguing story further. Alien fugitive Rok is now firmly established in his guise of footballer Kyle Dixon but there is danger approaching from elsewhere. 

Once again the superbly polished script carries the reader effortlessly through the issue and is a joy to read. The artwork by Dan Cornwell (and Abby Bulmer's colouring) is a treat for the eyes and ideally suited to this sci-fi/football story. Anyone who still believes "They don't do comics like they used to" needs to follow this series because it manages to be both a homage to British comics of the past as well as a great modern comic. 

There's only two issues to go of this mini-series and I can't wait to see the developments. Rok of the Reds really is one of the best new comics available.

Rok of the Reds No.4 is available from any good comics speciality shop, but if you have trouble finding it ('cos we know how shops tend to favour American comics) you can order a copy from the publisher BHP Comics...

...or contact the artist himself at his website...

John Wagner, Dan Cornwell, and Abby Bulmer also have copies you can buy at any comic convention they attend. Don't miss out of this great comic!


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