Friday, December 09, 2016

Christmas DWM preview

The Christmas issue of Doctor Who Magazine will be in the shops on Thursday 15th December, and it's a whopping 100 pager that comes bagged with a free poster. The image above is what to look out for, as that's the plastic bag design, but inside the bag the magazine cover looks like this...

Sharp eyed readers will notice it's a tribute to the old Lois and Clark TV series, which is appropriate as the Doctor Who episode on Christmas Day has a superhero theme. A superhero in the Doctor Who universe? Well, if we can suspend disbelief for everything else, why not? 

I haven't seen the issue myself yet so I don't know what the contents are, except that there's a special Christmas episode of The Daft Dimension that I did. I won't spoil it by showing any of it here. Check it out when you buy the mag next week!

...and the Gallifreyan goodness doesn't end there, because published on the same day (15th December) is the latest Doctor Who Special Edition, which this time is The 2017 Yearbook. Here's the cover below. Treat yourself this Christmas!

For more news, keep an eye on the Doctor Who Magazine website:

1 comment:

  1. That's an expensive day for DW fans... the latest issue of Tales from the TARDIS will be out that day as well.


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