Thursday, December 01, 2016

'Tis the Season...

Next week I'll hopefully have time to start this blog's traditional look back at Christmas comics of the past. Regular Blimey! readers will know that every year around this time I show some classic Christmas pages from yesteryear. I already have some brilliant Christmas comics ready to scan that I've recently bought, but in the meantime why not click on the following links to see just a few that I've shown in previous years?


  1. Nothing brings a bit of festive cheer more than ''A Merry Christmas To All Our Readers' above the masthead of a vintage comic!

  2. ... and the snow adorning the top of the comics logo sigh! :)

  3. I cannot explain why the Christmas covers with snow on the logo were so fascinating to my pre-teen self but I still get a warm,tingly feeling of nostalgia when I see them. I am looking forward to seeing whatever you have prepared!

  4. I cannot explain why the Christmas covers with snow on the logo were so fascinating to my pre-teen self but I still get a warm,tingly feeling of nostalgia when I see them. I am looking forward to seeing whatever you have prepared!

  5. Glad to hear you're doing this again Lew. My view of Christmas is influenced not so much by Charles Dickens, Coca Cola or the Bible as it is by the DC Thompson and Odhams editions of 50 / 60 years ago.


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