Wednesday, January 11, 2017

This week's BEANO

This is Nigel Parkinson's cover to the latest issue of The Beano (or simply 'Beano' as it was rebranded recently). Available from all good newsagents and supermarkets right now for £2.50.

I haven't had chance to get out and pick up a copy myself yet, but, if my strips are being printed in the order I drew them, this week's Pup Parade and Ivy the Terrible should look like this...

Find out more about this issue at the official Beano website!

A reminder also that the Beano's stablemate, Epic magazine, is also out today, which includes three pages written by Niall Murray and drawn by me; a series of mini-strips and the first two-page episode of new series Hygiene High. On sale now for £2.99. 


  1. Wow, £2.50! When I last left it I think it was 15-20p. I love the Beano, it's always been an inspiration for my drawing. Loving your work.

  2. It hasn't been that price for 30 years but it's still the cheapest comic on the stands (and twice as many pages as it had the last time you saw it). Give it a look.


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