Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fantastic PHOENIX cover

Sometimes, comics are worth buying just for the cover alone, so it's a bonus when the contents are good too. Case in point being the current issue of The Phoenix. A really nice stylish cover design by Lorenzo Etherington for the Von Doogan strip inside. That's bloomin' art that is, mate! 

Other contents include Part 2 of The Pie Thief by Faz Choudhury, the start of a new Mega Robo Bros adventure by Neill Cameron, Bunny vs Monkey by Jamie Smart, Squid Squad by Dan Boultwood, and more. 

The Phoenix No.268 is £3.25 from selected branches of W.H. Smith and Waitrose, and various comic shops.


  1. Too bad that the barcode couldn't be in perspective ! Bah I'm nitpicking, it looks very dynamic indeed.

  2. Yes, that does mar it a bit doesn't it? It might not scan if it was in perspective though. What I would have done would be to make it look like the barcode had been blown out of the way as the car sped by, rather than try and integrate it with the other text.

    It's not Lorenzo's fault though. I suppose the barcode was added in the office.

  3. The Lorenzos are for my money some of the most inspiring and hard-working comics creators of recent years. I'd love to see their take on some 2000AD type-material, but I'm not complaining!

  4. I know you meant to say "the Etheringtons" rather than "the Lorenzos" but just to clarify for new readers, their names are Robin and Lawrence Etherington. 'Lorenzo' is Lawrence's pen-name. Robin is the scriptwriter and Lorenzo is the artist.

    I agree. It'd be great to see them do something for 2000AD, even if they only had time to do a cover.


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