Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Rok of the Reds reaches its penultimate issue

The fifth issue of Rok of the Reds is out and the story is really building to its climax now. The alien Rok, on Earth and disguised as footballer Kyle Dixon, is being tracked by two Executors from his homeworld. There are revelations and danger as the issue races towards its cliffhanger. 

As I've said before, even if, like me, you don't usually like football comics this will hook you. It has all the hallmarks of a classic British adventure strip but with a modern style. Dan Cornwell's artwork is a joy to behold, and Abby Bulmer's rich colouring complements it perfectly. Of course, with a script by John Wagner and Alan Grant, how could they fail to be inspired? If Valiant or Eagle had been updated and were being published today, Rok of the Reds would fit right in. (I thought the way the strip continued directly from the cover was a nice touch. It reminded me of the old UK comics.)

Don't let that comment mislead you into thinking that this is some retro comic though. Those of us who are old enough will recognise the spirit of traditional British comics in Rok of the Reds but it also stands as an equal alongside any modern comic from the UK or USA. A treat for both new readers and long time collectors.

Rok of the Reds No.5 is available from any good comics speciality shop, but if you have trouble finding it you can order a copy from the publisher BHP Comics...

...or contact the artist himself at his website...

Don't miss out! Rok of the Reds is a must-buy!

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