Saturday, March 18, 2017

2000AD hits the readers with a new line-up

This coming Wednesday is a good chance for new and lapsed readers to start buying 2000AD as it features the start of a new line up of stories. Here's the info from Rebellion...

UK & DIGITAL: 22 March 2017 £2.65
NORTH AMERICA: 22 April 2017 $7.99

In this issue:
Judge Dredd: Get Jerry Sing by John Wagner (w) Carlos Ezquerra (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Brink: Skeleton Life by Dan Abnett 9w) INJ Culbard (a) Simon Bowland (l)

Future Shocks: The Best Brain In The Galaxy by Andrew Williamson (w) Tilen Javornik (a) Ellie De Ville (l)

Scarlet Traces: Cold War - Book 2 by Ian Edginton (w)  D'Israeli (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Cursed: The Fall of Deadworld by Kek-W (w) Dave Kendall (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Available in print from: UK newsagents and all good comic book stores via Diamond 


  1. Some readers may find an issue of all-new serials to be a good place to stop, if the newsagent allows them time to "review" the issue before buying. If strip lengths are broken up, you're liable to be hooked on at least one that's running on. On the other hand, that means no great place to start, because you've always missed something. What's the conventional thought on this? Given that comics publishing isn't a history of unbroken business success - but, with hindsight, it may be seen why what went wrong, was wrong.

    And, what happened to that serial about the missing child movie star? That wasn't finished, was it? Or was it... maybe the writerdroid made a deal with the Robot Devil for his plot, and that was the deadline. And, how much do they save printing black and white pieces?

  2. I'm still catching up with reading back issues so I'm about 10 issues behind, but Hope may be one of those serials that's rested for a while before returning later.

    Yes, some see the revamp issues as a "jumping off point" but presumably more people jump on, or return, to a comic when it starts new stories in one issue or they wouldn't keep doing it.

    You'd have to ask 2000AD how much they save on the black and white pages but it'd include colourist fees and so on. I like a few black and white pages to break up the relentless colour, personally.


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