Saturday, March 25, 2017

Prog Preview: 2000AD Prog 2024

Here's your weekly advance look at the next issue of 2000AD! On sale Wednesday! Very few of you comment on these Prog Previews which does make me wonder how many of you buy 2000AD. Are you interested in these weekly advance peeks (which usually appear before anyone else shows them) or do you skim past these posts? (And I suppose if you do skim past them you won't see the question. Hmm, if a bear falls on a cat in the woods and there's no one to hear it, is it alive or dead? Or something like that.

UK & DIGITAL: 27 March 2017 £2.65
NORTH AMERICA: 27 April 2017 $7.99

In this issue:
Judge Dredd: Harvey by John Wagner (w) John McCrea (a) Mike Spicer (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Brink: Skeleton Life by Dan Abnett (w) INJ Culbard (a) Simon Bowland (l)

Future Shocks: Family Time by Rory McConville (w) Nick Dyer (a) Ellie De Ville (l)

Scarlet Traces: Cold War - Book 2 by Ian Edginton (w)  D'Israeli (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Cursed: The Fall of Deadworld by Kek-W (w) Dave Kendall (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

Available in print from: UK newsagents and all good comic book stores via Diamond 


  1. I hadn't bought 2000 AD for a long time, and your... encouragement... made me start, so if that's the result you wanted, then it works. But generally I'm skipping the preview pages if I intend to buy it anyway: it'll get me confused about whether I already have. What I appreciate is comments about the content - the art, the colouring, what can be said theologically about Grudd (who had his own strip for all I know), and embarrassing anecdotes you happen to know about the creators. And quite likely there's already a different place for all that.

  2. It hadn't ocurred to me that people might skip the previews because they wanted to wait until they read it in print. That's interesting. I tend to read the official online previews of comics I buy, just as a taster, like a movie trailer.

    No embarrassing anecdotes about comic folks here, sorry. Professional discretion and all that. Some I've read online have been completely fabricated anyway and more fictional than the actual comics. :)

  3. I enjoy the 2000ad previews and your blog!

    2000ad is really strong at the moment. As a reader for the past 35 years, this really is a classic period.


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