Friday, March 17, 2017

The Brexit shambles explained as a comic strip

Whatever your politics, if you're interested in comics (which presumably is why you're here) this might be of curiosity to you. This week's edition of The New European features a comic strip on its front cover; an unusual step for a national newspaper, especially one aimed at adults. When was the last time this happened? On the Illustrated Police News in Edwardian times? (Actually there was an Andy Capp strip that dominated the cover of a Christmas Daily Mirror in the sixties (see here) but I digress...)

The strip is by Tim Bradford and covers the history of Britain's EU referendum from its genesis to today. The style is crude, but it gets its message across. As we know, comics are an excellent way to do this. 

If you haven't seen The New European before, you may have guessed that it's a pro-EU newspaper for those of us in the 48% who voted remain, and for any leave voters who want to see the alternative viewpoint, come to that. Intelligently written, it's published every Friday and distribution has improved recently. (I've just bought this one from my corner shop whereas Sainsbury's was the only place around here that sold it a few months ago.) 

You might not agree with all the articles within, but it does offer a balance to the anti-EU press that dominates the newsstands. Worth a look for £2. It's a fair bet you'll find out something that papers like the Daily Mail haven't told you. 

Check out their website for more info:

If you're interested in buying a print of Tim Bradford's cover, details are here:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's brilliant, and it's nice for once that an English paper actually remembers "Britain" only refers to England, Wales and Scotland, so conveniently forgotten are we over here. Although The New European is STILL not available here, which is completely unforgivable given how we voted.

  3. Distribution is still building up over here, Phil. Sainsburys was the only place that had it for a while. Most shops don't have it but recently Smiths have stocked a few copies and now one of my local shops. I imagine it'll come to NI eventually. It's very interesting that circulation is increasing, which shows the interest in a pro-EU paper. I must admit, I expected it to close after a few weeks.


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