Wednesday, March 01, 2017

'The Order' collected

John M. Burns has been illustrating comics for over 50 years and his work is still of an incredibly high standard, appealing to generations new and old. Next week, Rebellion are collecting the first book of The Order, that was published in 2000AD in recent years. Here's the PR and a couple of preview pages....

CREATIVE TEAM: Kek-W (w), John Burns (a), Annie Parkhouse, Ellie De Ville (l)
REGIONS: UK print and worldwide digital
RELEASE DATE: 9 March 2017
PRICE: £14.99 (UK) $20 (US)
ISBN: 9781781085271

The Expendables meets H.P. Lovecraft as knights and robots take on a dark, hidden power in medieval Europe! In 13th-century Germany, while reading the papers of her dead father, young Anna Kohl uncovers a shocking secret - that defending Earth from an other-worldly menace is a secret cadre of warriors known only as The Order. Now she and her father's rag-tag former comrades must do battle with the sinister forces of these eldritch creatures! From Teutonic Knights with robot heads to gun-toting warriors in high speed pursuits on the streets of Elizabethan Engand, The Order is an incredible genre mash-up of medieval and Renaissance history, action movies, Michael Moorcock, Jack Vance, and Hammer Horror! 

Available in print from: book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond


  1. I'm not a great fan of John Burns' art but I have to say I think he's well suited here. Its a completely bonkers story but full to the gills with ideas and action. Has a genuine retro feel to me, maybe it was was written and drawn in the 70s and locked away in a time casule!

  2. Thanks for pointing this publication out Lew. I'd have missed it otherwise. Got my copy today. John had pages of original art from this story at Bristol last year. Unlike Steve, I am a great fan. Wish some of his older stories from the sixties and seventies would be collected.

  3. Now that Rebellion have purchased the post-1970 IPC archive it's possible some John Burns strips from that era might be collected I'd imagine. We'll have to wait and see.

    I think it's unlikely we'll see any of his sixties strips reprinted in the foreseeable future though.


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