Thursday, March 09, 2017

"Throw us a copper!"

Here's a quickie from the archive. The cover of Illustrated Chips No.2,177 from back in May 1932, showing a crowd throwing a policeman off a pier. It's a scene you'd be very unlikely to see in a children's comic today. Artwork by Percy Cocking.

...and from the back page of that same issue, Casey Court, as I know a few of you like this feature. Artwork by Albert Pease.


  1. I laffed at the organ!

    I love the copper gag also...

    Now I must get that Casey Court book them..

  2. BBC Radio Four Extra just repeated the "Goon Show" episode "Dishonoured" where several times, a sentinel of justice accosted the main characters who were up to no good, and as a distraction he was asked: "Would you like to join tge River Police?" When he said yes - who wouldn't - he was thrown into the water.

    I expect you can hear it on their web-based radio "Iplayer".


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