Friday, April 14, 2017

COMIC HEROES No.31 is coming

I understand there's a new issue of Comic Heroes magazine out soon, possibly today. Sadly, my local newsagents stopped stocking it months ago, despite it selling. (Who can fathom the logic of suppliers and retailers these days?) Last time I bought a copy directly from the publisher via mail order and I urge you to do the same in your local shops won't stock it. Here's where to order it from:

A quick look at the contents page for this issue. Click to see it larger.


  1. Goodness! I've just noticed the cover for my little small-press effort - Smart Bomb!! on the contents page. Maybe I've gotten a review :) Now I'll have to hunt a copy down.

  2. Yep, it's covered in their roundup, Will. I finally got a copy of Comic Heroes from WH Smith in Coventry but they only had two copies. (My local shops won't stock it.)

  3. I had a look in our local, too but nothing. I guess it'll have to be by post or a digital copy, then. Can I be cheeky and ask if it was a favourable review?

  4. It's a very short but definitely favourable review, Wil. If you'd like to send me your email address to I'll send you a scan of the review.

    You can buy Comic Heroes directly from the publisher. They're quite quick in turning orders around:


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