Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Into Combat!

I've been doing some work on the first issue of Combat Colin this evening, scanning in old strips from 1987 and laying out a few pages. It'll contain a few mad punchlines like the panel above, and all the early strips featuring Colin and Semi-Automatic Steve. Nine pages done so far but there's still a lot to go, plus a new cover to draw/design, an intro strip, editorial, etc. 

I have to get back to Beano work tomorrow and Friday, and I'll be at Stoke-Con-Trent on Sunday, but I'll crack on with more Combat Colin material next week. As I've mentioned before, my commitments to mainstream comics work have to take priority and I can only fit my self-published stuff in when I can, but Combat Colin No.1 is making progress at last! More news at it develops.


  1. Lew, that panel you posted was originally published in colour. Does that mean you're planning on printing the new CC in black and white, or are you going to go through the arduous task of trying to re-colour it all? Also, did you scan that panel from original art, or have you done some clever computer thing to strip out the colour?

  2. The comic will be in black and white because it'll take me too long to colour the strips (and would increase the price if the comic considerably to print it in colour). I'm scanning from the original art on the ones I have. For the pages where I don't have the original art I'll scan from the comics and print those in greyscale.


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