Sunday, April 09, 2017

New books from PS Publishing

British publisher PS Publishing continue with their mission to bring obscure (and not so obscure) pre-code 1950s American comics back into print with two new hardback collections. Rather than me waffle on about how good they are, I'm publishing their press release here for you...

A Quick Note From The Top Dawg....

Well, you've heard it before though not from us--but it's official. Less is most assuredly more, certainly when it comes to the new production process on our popular series of reprint comicbook volumes resulting in new paper stock that holds the colour perfectly. IN FACT, We're now able to give you pretty damn near 1950-Newsstand quality--it's like you'd gone along to your local Main Street drugstore and pulled 'em right off of the racks. Excelsior!

Of course, there's one tiny snag in as much that, as a direct result of the shenangigans caused by Brexit (Arghhh--sick of hearing that word!) some of the books have reduced page-counts to 180 but we've sliced those down to £29.99 and £36.99 for the bookshop and slipcased editions respectively. Meanwhile, the larger sizes are staying at £36.99 and £44.99. Add to all of that the fact that, cos we're now dealing with a British printer, the boxes will be shipped to us faster. Yessirree, it's a win/win/win situation, folks. We now have some 40 new titles in the production process not to mention the 100+ titles as back stock on

Don't I keep TELLING ya we loves ya!?

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into your comic shop, here come those PS guys again with another crazy collection of bygone stories and panels set to blow your mind. This time out they’re hitting you with the full run of WORLDS OF FEAR from the magical days of 1952 and featuring artists and writers such as Sheldon Moldoff, Bernard Baily, Bob Powell, George Evans, Mike Sekowsky, Moe Marcus, Bob McCarty, Harry Harrison and Norman Saunders. Crossing horror and SF has never been more enjoyable. Lock the door, flip the tab on a can of soda and delve into those potato chips. It’s a marriage made in Heaven.

Artists include Sheldon Moldoff, Bernard Baily, Bob Powell, George Evans, Mike Sekowsky, Moe Marcus, Bob McCarty, Harry Harrison and Norman Saunders.

Each volume contains between 5 - 6 issues digitally enhanced and faithfully reproduced.

Volume Two features issues 6-10 from September 1952 – June 1953.

Bookshop ISBN: 978-1-78636-060-1

Slipcase ISBN: 978-1-78636-061-8
Page Count: 180 Pages

Dimensions: 260 x 180mm

I never got to see the Tom Corbett TV show but I picked up a couple or maybe two of the novels plus, of course, the entire run of Dell comicbooks. This is SF as it should be, with ‘space’ substituted for ‘science’. Here we see the wonder and unbelievable expanse of the cosmos that surrounds us, ringed planets and moons, space pirates, lost races, and even a spaceship graveyard, This book is for every boy that lives secretly inside every man who ever marveled at the saucer spaceship in FORBIDDEN PLANET.

If you can buy only one book this month, make it this one.

Artists include Alden McWilliams, John Lehti , Frank Thorne, Marvin Stein and Mort Meskin.

Volume 2 features DELL Tom Corbett, Space Cadet #8 Nov/Jan 1954, #9 Feb/Apr 1954, #10 May/Jul 1954, #11 Sept/Nov 1954. PRIZE Tom Corbett, Space Cadet #v2#1 May/Jun 1955, #v2#2 Jul/Aug 1955, #v2#3 Sept/Oct 1955.

Bookshop ISBN: 978-1-78636-062-5

Slipcase ISBN: 978-1-78636-063-2
Page Count: 252 Pages

Dimensions: 260 x 180mm


  1. Received their Captain Video volume as a birthday gift last year.
    Reproduction was horrible.
    Dark and muddy.
    Only worthwhile material was Roy Thomas' text feature.

  2. I know some of their early books suffered from poor quality reproduction of some comics (which looked like they'd been taken from jpegs rather than TIFFs) but more recent books I'd bought had sorted that out. Sorry to hear Captain Video didn't.

  3. How many more times do I have to hear people blaming BREXIT for everything!

  4. This is only the start, Alan. Expect it to increase as the scales fall from people's eyes and the realisation kicks in of the damage Brexit will cause.

  5. So, due to Brexit and the slight fall in the value of the pound I would have to pay a little more money. Bid deal. The ironic thing is that the publisher of this book now, I gather, has to use a British publisher instead of a foreign one (thereby keeping British jobs), obviously not what he wants. Also, the publishers don't need to use such vitriolic language (Brexit, sick of hearing that word). It smacks of unprofessionalism. Actually, I'm surprised people buy these types of books as they are readily available to view or download for FREE on the Digital comic museum website. Happy Easter.

  6. Well, you bought one so there must be some reason people like them. Perhaps because it's nice to have a hardback collection on good paper that you can put on your shelf? Works for me anyway.

    I think over the next few years, people saying "big deal" about having to pay more for things will start to realise that, yes, it is a big deal.

  7. Actually I haven't bought one.


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