Tuesday, April 11, 2017


When I was first discovering Marvel Comics 50 years ago it seemed impossible that there would one day be an ongoing series of movies based on the characters. Yet here we are, with regular blockbuster movies that top the charts and appeal to both the fans and the general public. Magical times. 

Above is the trailer to Thor: Ragnarok, and it looks absolutely fantastic; colourful, exciting, funny, and the stunning Cate Blanchett as Hela, Goddess of Death! What's not to like? 

...and check out the Jack Kirby inspired designs on the wall behind the Grandmaster and Loki at this point of the trailer...
...not to mention that Hela herself looks very much like Kirby's design of the character, bizarre headdress and all...

It's a golden age of comics-related movies, but here in the UK, with a few exceptions, the trend these days is to base comics/mags on licensed properties, rather than vice-versa as America has done. Personally I think that comics should be appreciated as legitimate entertainment on their own merits, equal to film, not waiting to be justified by movie adaptations, but if you were given a movie budget, which British comic strip would you adapt into a film? Post your choices below, and why you think they'd appeal to the mass audience. 


  1. oh that looks amazing, not to keen on the short haired look (but thats nit picking - maybe thats the reason his hair is shirt :) ) Hela looks amazing straight from Kirby's drawing board and the Hulk, well anything with the Hulk gets a thumbs up from me.

  2. Thor's getting the snip in the comics too. (His hair that is!)

  3. I've always wanted to see a Billy Bunter movie but I doubt that will happen now

  4. Robot Gran! :)for the movies!

    Cliff Hanger..maybe for dvd so you have to choose the ending...or what happens next..

  5. Yes, I think Robot Gran has the potential for a successful movie, Peter! Now that Rebellion have the rights to it... who knows?

    Anon, I can't see a Billy Bunter movie happening either. I do vaguely remember the live action TV series though.

  6. It has to be the Spider from Lion.

  7. Good choice, Anon. I was never a great fan of The Spider I'm afraid. Perhaps it could work much better as a movie than it did as a strip, if they avoided the silly villains and focused on him being a Diabolik type of character.

  8. Yes, it could still work, Flint. I think it might need a more modern style of humour to it though for the more lighthearted moments.


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