Sunday, May 14, 2017

Marney cover and logo design

I showed John Stokes' cover artwork to Marney the Fox a few months ago, and now here's how it'll appear complete with logo and credits. As you can see, Rebellion are using the original logo from the comics, cleaned up and adapted to suit. Quite right too, as it's a smashing design. 

For those of you who missed previous posts about it, Marney the Fox was a strip that ran in Buster weekly in the 1970s about a lonely fox on the run, avoiding the dangers of predators of the four legged and two legged kind. This is the book I'm looking forward to most out of Rebellion's Treasury of British Comics line. 

You can pre-order Marney the Fox from Amazon now by clicking here.

You can read a sample strip of Marney the Fox here:


  1. That looks simply gorgeous! So glad to see Rebellion treating the archives with such respect and working away already at releasing these books.

  2. Yes, they're making some good choices so far. I really hope that readers get behind these books and support them to ensure the line continues. The sad thing is that this is the sort of thing that Egmont should have been doing years ago. Still, here we are now, better late than never!


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