Thursday, May 11, 2017

Phil reviews the Fest!

It's always good to read a review from the other side of a convention, ie: from an attendee rather than a guest. Last Saturday was Phil Boyce's first comics convention when he attended Enniskillen Comic Fest and he's posted his views over on his Oink! Blog, along with plenty of photos...


  1. Wow I never expected the stats and feedback I've had today for this. Loved writing the post and sharing what an amazing event it was with as many people as possible. Oink! introduced me to comics as a kid and now it's RE-introduced me to UK comics as an adult. Already working on that angle with the blog and look forward to what's coming up! Thanks for the share, Lew!

  2. You're welcome, Phil. It's a good review! People writing positive, accurate, accounts of the comic industry deserve to have their words shared.

    Your Oink! Blog has been great for bringing together readers and creators. Long may it continue!


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