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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

London calling!

I wasn't planning to add any more convention dates to my already busy schedule but when the London Film and Comic Con invited me to their event next month I couldn't resist! 

LFCC is always worth attending, and I like visiting London, so I'm really looking forward to being a guest at this summer's show. It's a three day convention that place at Olympia across the weekend of 28th - 30th July and I'll be attending for all three days. 

There's a fantastic line-up of guests this year. Here's who's on the bill so far, with more to come:

If you needed that segregated to just the comics guests:

Hopefully by then, Combat Colin No.1 will be ready, so drop by and buy one! See you there!

More info on the event:


Before then, I'll be at the International Comic Expo (ICE) at Brighton this Saturday, 10th June. Hope to see you there!


Cd-i Scrapbook said...
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Cd-i Scrapbook said...

Fantastic news!

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