Tuesday, June 27, 2017

New Commando comics this week

Here's the latest news direct from D.C. Thomson on the four issues of Commando that will arrive in the shops this Thursday...

Brand new Commando issues 5031-5034 are coming soon, with four action packed stories of bravery and duty as our heroes must against the Nazis in the heat of the Second World War!

5031: Home of Heroes:
Race – Or Die!

Set on the sleepy Isle of Man, or not as sleepy as it may seem, a long way from the main battles of the Second World War, conflict still managed to find its way to this secluded island. Nazi spies, secret codes, U-Boats and one thrilling motorbike chase… Colin Watson’s original story has it all!

Rodriguez and Morhain team up again to deliver another beautifully illustrated issue of Commando. With dark, black waters surrounding the island, you can really feel the isolation of the characters. But, as Janek’s cover shows, this is not always a good thing as the stakes are raised to a one-on-one motorbike chase - the island blurred beside the motorbikes, which kick up dust behind them on the quiet country land.

|Story | Colin Watson | Art | Rodriguez & Morhain| Cover | Janek Matysiak|

5032: Gold Collection
The Deadly Game

Lopez Espi’s cover truly captures the hot headed red-head, Corporal Kit Hughes. With hair to match his temper, the Dunkirk evacuee was not one to be trifled with as “the flame haired giant strode the plains of Crete like one of the ancient Gods of mythology.” But these plains in R. Fuente’s interior artwork are not quite the green and gold Mediterranean of the cover, but hard rocky outcrops and dry, bare trees: a hard land which mirrors the fighting that takes place there. 

But now, Kit won’t retreat again in Gentry’s very Commando story of friendship, bravery, duty and revenge. Having evacuated once before, Kit and his best pal Private Len Small have no intentions of leaving Crete, especially when they find out that Nazi Major Mauch, a brutal figure from their past, is leading a base there…

|Story | Gentry | Art | R. Fuente| Cover | Lopez Espi |
Originally Commando No 369

5033: Action and Adventure:
Forgotten Fighters

In the Second World War, Japan actually invaded American soil. It happened in 1942, and the soil in question was the island of Attu, off the coast of Alaska. The battle, the only to take place on American territory, lasted nineteen days and is the subject which inspired writer Richard Davis.

Interior artists Rezzonico and Morhain take full advantage of the island’s mist and rain, contrasting the clear visibility of the soldiers training in America to the harsh conditions of Attu and how unprepared our heroes were for this war. However, no matter the bleak look of the island’s interior, David Alexander’s traditional art cover captures the serene isolation of the island, untouched and mystical, concealing the violence that would take place there.

 |Story | Richard Davis | Art | Rezzonico & Morhain | Cover | David Alexander |

5034: Silver Collection
Escape to Battle

An unconventional hero for Commando, Mike Azonette is a petty thief, growing up in the streets of New York under Don Capardi. But after getting caught robbing the Don’s nephew, Giovanni Castovanni, Mike must go on the run, and what better place to hide than in the armed forces? Little does Mike know that he’s about to be drafted to North Africa now that the U.S. has joined Europe in the Second World War…

With the shadowy face of Giovanni looming in the background, always hanging over Mike’s head, watching, the sense of dread in ‘Escape to Battle’ is felt right through from Ian Kennedy’s remarkable cover. Meanwhile, Welsh illustrator Keith Shone’s illustrations really stand out as he often bleeds images between panels, with characters, objects and explosions breaking free of their frames.

|Story | Ian Clark | Art |Keith Shone | Cover |Ian Kennedy |
Originally Commando No 2581


  1. I buy certain issues if the subject matters interests me. I'm glad it's still going. The format works well, too. It stands out.

    I wouldn't mind more policing stories. We rarely hear (in the news) about the military police. I was even surprised to learn there was a Royal Marines Police recently, I can't imagine the Marines being involved in policing duties. They have a certain mystique. So as something new and fresh, I'd welcome some military police stories.

  2. Anything's possible I guess. I must admit I don't follow the comic myself but I'm happy to promote it for those of you who do.

  3. Do you have any knowledge of what cover artist David Alexander may have done subsequently? As far as I can tell, he did a handful of covers for Commando during 2017 but nothing more recently. His style caught my attention, it is notably different to that of other Commando covers.


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