Wednesday, June 07, 2017

The Annuals are coming!

Here's a couple of nice big images (if you click on them) of the upcoming Dandy and Beano Annuals. Both covers feature art by Nigel Parkinson. 

The books will go on sale in a couple of months, but you can pre-order them now from the D.C. Thomson Shop here:


  1. I have to say I love the colour schemes, they're gorgeous looking books!

  2. Colours by Nika Nartova, who I think you may have met at the Enniskillen festival. A great colourist!

  3. interesting, his version of denies for that annual cover reminds me of Davy law's "Tall Skinny Dennis" period.... I'm not sure why.. it's not a bad drawing at all and I'm not trying to say it is, just some how the body you can see reminds me of that..

  4. Dennis has evolved a lot over the years. This is his latest look. Whether he'll change even more to reflect the new CGI series remains to be seen but I think this is the look for now.

  5. okay ^_^ no problem with the look, like I said, just reminded me of it. in a way, it's a shame you don't see him in his non-jersey shirt too much.. of course, I remember the big fuss with the 'new look Dennis' story in the 90s.. that was fun.


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