Sunday, June 25, 2017

The next issue of Doctor Who Magazine...

Here's a cover preview of Doctor Who Magazine No.514, that will be in the shops this coming Thursday (29th June). Contents will include a preview of this season's final episode, The Doctor Falls, interviews with Michelle Gomez and John Simm, comic strips The Soul Garden and my own Daft Dimension, and much more! 

84 packed pages for only £5.99. Don't miss it!


  1. Thanks for this, Lew. I always wonder what the cover will be like during publication week.

    Plus, the good news is that there's no bank holiday this week. I hate bank holidays: I always get DWM a day late when it's bank holiday week. Perhaps DWM could lobby to abolish bank holidays. I'd rather be at work than have a day off and get DWM a day late.

    I enjoy reading the magazine. The Daft Dimension is fun, by the way. Incidentally, I feel DWM did really well during the show's 2016 "gap year" in giving us plenty to read (as the magazine did from 1989-2005). It's worth every penny.

  2. The DWM editors work very hard (and late hours) to make sure the mag is so good. It's truly a product of dedication and talent. Glad you like my strip. Working on the next one this week!

  3. Well, although I have only had a browse, looks like another good issue.

    Although I am a subscriber who will receive a discount, this is worth every penny. I feel some licensed magazines aren't. The official STAR TREK magazine is thinner than it's ever been, seems very light on content nowadays and isn't the same as it was years ago.

    Yet DWM, which has never been a light read, is as consistent as ever. I had a four-hour train journey once - and still didn't finish it. There's a lot in it.

    I wish there'd been such a magazine for other shows when I was a kid. I'd have loved a DWM-style magazine for shows such as THE INCREDIBLE HULK and THE A-TEAM.

  4. Yes, I agree on all points, there.

    I remember a one-off Incredible Hulk TV poster magazine in the '70s but of course that was very thin on content.


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