Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Combat dispatches

Thanks for your orders for Combat Colin No.1. I've sold half the print run in just over a week so I'm very pleased with that, and grateful for your support. 

Much as I really enjoy working on The Beano, Toxic, etc, I wanted to get material back into print that was totally my own style and humour (and which I own the rights to) so I'm pleased it's been well received. 

Many of you now have your copies but I'm still working my way through the remaining orders at present and will send out another stack today. Thanks for your patience!

...and if you haven't ordered your copy yet, you can buy it directly from me at this link:


  1. Hi there. Will you be selling copies at Olympia at the end of the month? If you are, I'll get one in person!

  2. Yes, I'll be bringing them (and my other comics) to all the shows I'm doing this year. Looking forward to seeing you at the London event!

  3. Meaning to say my Copies turned up in great time and everything but I've been a bit behind on stuff of late..

    Still quick flip already and great as expected ^_^

  4. Mine arrived yesterday. Incredibly well produced, chap.

  5. Received my copy yesterday. It's just ever so good. Single page comics are so dense in their story telling and rich in visual detail that when you get a collection like this it feels like a high energy ride. I've got used to the american trade paperback collections where the story makes so little progress and space is padded with 2 page splashes. In contrast Combat Colin is frantic and anarchic and just never lets up. Also wanted to say that I really loved the cover. Its got that "stand out on the newsagent shelf" feel. It's also to see speech bubbles on modern covers too, so that gives it some retro / nostalgic attraction. Also I don't remember seeing the little circular "Lew Stringer Comics" publishers seal before. Nice touch. Hope we see a lot more of it!

  6. Yes, the 'Lew Stringer Comics' icon is new. Loosely based on the old Power Comics icon. It'll appear on all future comics I do (and any second printings of Brickman and Derek the Troll.)

    Glad you enjoyed issue 1. Yes, as they were originally designed as separate strips it does hopefully give good value to the collection. I'm not a fan of the modern "decompressed" style of comics that are staged like a movie storyboard.

    You're right about the cover. I think it's ridiculous that so many comics have their logos covered up by characters etc, or use colours that compliment the backgrounds. Logos should stand out to be visible across a room in my opinion. My inspiration for the Combat Colin cover was American comics of the 1950s, specifically EC Comics and Marvel. Bold logos, plain background. No clutter over the words.


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