Wednesday, July 05, 2017

NEMI marks its 20th anniversary with a special book

I've said it before but I think the UK is really missing out by there not being a monthly Nemi comic like there is in Norway. Even the daily strip was dropped from Metro a few years ago, which I still think was a big mistake.

Over in her native Norway, Lise Myhre's Nemi is hugely popular and the strip has been celebrating its 20th anniversary all year. Next week, on July 10th, a special 120 page book will be published looking at the character from over the years. (See cover above.) Sadly, not available in the UK, but I thought the news deserved a mention.

There's an interview with Lise Myhre on the Dagsavisen website today, which is in Norwegian so you'll have to use an online translator if you can't speak the language:

Congratulations to Lise on achieving such a long run on a strip, and may it continue to be a success!
Lise at the RAPTUS comic festival, Bergen 2003.

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