Monday, August 21, 2017

Preview: Doctor Who Magazine No.516

Here's the cover of the next issue of the official Doctor Who Magazine, which will be in the shops on Thursday 24th August. As you can see, it features Jodie Whittaker, who steps into the role during the Christmas episode this year (which sadly bids farewell to Peter Capaldi) and whose full series begins in Autumn 2018.

Casting a woman as the Doctor has been a controversial point, but most comments I've read have been positive and welcoming. Personally I think it's a brilliant move, and I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing what Jodie Whittaker brings to the part. After all, the Doctor is a shape-changing alien from a fictional planet. At the end of the 9th Doctor's life he mused he might even regenerate with two heads. Fans didn't seem to object to that notion, but put a woman in the role and some have gone ballistic! 

This issue of Doctor Who Magazine will of course be packed with features, interviews, news and reviews, plus the regular 12th Doctor comic strip. It'll also include another Daft Dimension by me, and I've made it topical. I think this will be the first time the 13th Doctor has appeared in a strip in an official Doctor Who publication, and she's not likely to appear in another strip until her series starts, so grab your collector's item copy this Thursday!


  1. Careful Lew, don't give the entire new series away! Seriously though, congratulations on being the first strip artist to get a commission to render the next Doctor. She's a great actress from what I've seen of her stagework with Christopher Eccleston (I recommend anyone still cynical about her ability channel the Doctor's manic energy to check it out on YouTube), so I imagine there'll be plenty of strips from you and many other for years to come.

  2. Yes, I'd previously only seen Jodie Whittaker in Broadchurch, which was an extremely sombre role playing the mother of a murdered boy, but I've since seen clips of her work in other productions and she has a good range. I think she'll be ideal as the Doctor, although it all depends on the scripts really.

  3. If anyone wants to see Jodie in action, BBC One is currently airing Trust Me on Tuesday nights. Apparently she found out she was the new Doctor while filming that show.

    No surprise that she's on the cover of this DWM of course, since the news broke too late to do so last month - they barely had time to add the news to the Gallifrey Guardian section.

    Of course, there's a new DWM editor starting this month. I don't know if there'll be any major changes short term though, considering that they'll be forced to redesign it later anyway to match the new branding they'll no doubt bring in for the new Doctor.

  4. I love it when my subscriber copy comes!

    I actually hate bank holidays (I will lobby to abolish them very soon!). On a bank holiday week, my DWM subscription copy always arrives a day late.

    Personally, I'd sacrifice bank holidays in order to get my subscription copy on the release date - or a day early. It'd be a most worthy sacrifice! ;-)

  5. You should have received it today. (Contributor copies arrived today.) If not, I'm sure it'll turn up tomorrow. Thankfully Bank Holiday is not until next week so it shouldn't affect post yet.


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