Sunday, August 06, 2017

Survival Geeks collected!

One of 2000AD's funniest and most entertaining strips of recent times is to be collected next month in the first volume of Survival GeeksGreat story by Gordon Rennie and Emma Beeby, and really nice art by Neil Googe. Well worth buying! 

Here's the info and the first three pages. It gets really weird after this...

CREATIVE TEAM:  Gordon Rennie, Emma Beeby (w) Neil Googe (a) Gary Caldwell (c) Annie Parkhouse, Simon Bowland (l)
REGIONS: UK, North America, worldwide digital
RELEASE DATE: 12 September 2017
PAPERBACK - 114 Pages
PRICE: £12.99 (UK) $17.99 (US)
ISBN: 9781781085547

WHEN STUDENT SAM WAKES UP IN THE HOUSE OF A GROUP OF OBSESSIVE SCI-FI FANS, she becomes their reluctant new housemate after their home gets transformed into a piece of misfiring trans-dimensional technology! Now they can travel to places where no 2-up 2-down terraced house has gone before. Armed only with their wits (and Star Wars trivia) the group of misfits must survive in whatever horrifying dimension or alternate reality they find themselves in!
An affectionate parody of Sci-Fi and Fantasy tropes, this quirky comedy adventure features steampunks, Dark Lords, cuddly Lovecraftian horrors and the occasional dysfunctional lightsaber!

Available in print from: book stores, Amazon, and comic book stores via Diamond

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