Tuesday, September 05, 2017


Jamie Smart's popular Looshkin strip is to be collected into a book published next Spring. 

The stylish and funny strip appears in the British weekly comic The Phoenix and has gained fans of all ages. On his website, Jamie Smart describes the character... 

"LOOSHKIN is a maelstrom of destructive bliss in the body of a blue cat. He tears around his owner's house, smashing, exploding and bursting everything in his way, all in the name of entertainment. See, Looshkin isn't cruel or mean, he's just finding endless new ways to amuse himself, and he'll drag everyone down into the surreal abyss with him."

More evidence that the UK comics industry isn't dead, just evolving, Looshkin is the latest of several collections of strips from The Phoenix published by David Fickling Books. Look for it in Spring 2018.  

For more information and examples of the strip, visit Jamie's website:


  1. This is great news, I'm a big fan of Jamie's work, especially Whubble and Chaffy, the latter of which I supported his recent Kickstarter for and I can't wait for that to arrive! Whubble surely deserves a collection in hardback form too, I think he's been an online only cat. I'll check out Looshkin too.

  2. Looshkin is one of the better strips in The Phoenix so it's good it's being collected. A long wait until next Spring, but it's never too early to break comics news.

  3. Look forward to this.Looshkin was originally in Jamie's comic Bear.Was less kid friendly though.

  4. True, but these are the stories from The Phoenix, aimed at children.


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