Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Phoenix 300

Congratulations to The Phoenix for reaching another milestone. Issue No.300 is out now, available from selected branches of Waitrose, WH Smith, Sainsbury's, and various comic shops, or by subscription at:

It's very rare for a comic today to reach 300 issues. Truth be told, it wasn't that common back in the heyday of British comics either, with titles such as Cor!! managing just over 200 issues and comics such as Jet and Starlord failing after 22 weeks. Even the fondly-remembered Wham! only made it to 187 weeks. The fact that The Phoenix is an independent comic that relies mainly on subscriptions and includes no paid advertising makes the achievement even more impressive.

It may not be as cheeky or streetwise as Wham! or Oink! but The Phoenix has clearly connected with today's generation of readers, just as those comics related to theirs. I admire the way that it allows its artists to use their own styles, rather than have to adopt to a house style, and how the comic has forged its own path instead of imitating other comics. (If you look back at the history of comics it's always been the trailblazers who changed the industry, not the imitators; Comic Cuts, Dandy, Eagle, 2000AD, Viz...).

Again then, congratulations to The Phoenix and all of its contributors for reaching 300 issues, - and may there be many more!

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