Saturday, October 28, 2017

Combat Correspondence

I've made quite a bit of progress on Combat Colin No.2 this week. I've been scanning loads of pages, and was pleased to find that I had the original artwork for all the strips I needed, except one (which I scanned from the comic). 

This issue will reprint all the Combat Colin strips that appeared in The Transformers Nos.153 to 224 (February 1988, through to summer 1989). It was a half page strip throughout this run so the comic will pack a lot in, running two half pagers to each page. The exception will be a four parter that featured characters owned by Marvel Comics, so I can't use that, but I've included a synopsis of that story.

I've laid out most of the comic this week, with just the covers and letters page to do now. Yes, there's going to be a letters page, so if you bought Combat Colin No.1 and you have any thoughts on it, send me an e-mail to and it may appear in the next issue. 

I'm aiming to publish Combat Colin No.2 in late November, and will post updates here and on my other blog, so look out for more news soon!


  1. Out of curiosity do you recall which issues that four parter was in. I have a handful of issues of the book and would like to see if I have any of it.

  2. Yes, I have all the comics and artwork right here. Transformers Nos.160 to 163, introducing The Gwanzulums, who would go on to appear in other Marvel UK stories by other people.


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