Tuesday, October 17, 2017

COMMANDO comics out this week...

Brand new Commando issues 5063-5066 are coming soon, featuring Motor Boat malaises, Commando bomb disposals, Heinkel hesitations and Ypres revenants all to test the mettle of our men at war!

5063: Home of Heroes: The Crew

What was better for a crew at war: the men to be specialists or jacks of all trades? That was the question that faced Lieutenant Frank Temple on his new Motor Boat. Surely to be the best at your job was key to success and survival, but, indeed, with so few men aboard if something happened how would they cope without an able replacement? So, when Frank decided to give his new men extra training for the different positions he thought he was doing the right thing, but his crew weren’t very happy…

With stylish accompanying art from Vicente Alcazar, Ferg Handley’s stiff-upper lip rivalry between Frank and his second in command Steve Hewitt is lovingly brought to life.

|Story | Ferg Handley | Art | Vicente Alcazar | Cover | Janek Matysiak |

5064: Gold Collection: Spy Trap

Mission Brief: parachute into Germany to defuse a British bomb buried in the ruined interior of a feared Nazi prison and rescue to the British agent held inside. Time to detonation: twelve hours.

Commando Lieutenant Phil Searle always stayed cool under pressure, that’s why he was so skilled at defusing enemy bombs and mines. So, naturally, he didn’t flinch when his C.O. volunteered him on a mission to defuse an unexploded bomb in a German prison, or to rescue the British agent held there. But what did throw Phil was his partner on this mission, Helmut Malke, a Jerry with a habit of disappearing right before trouble started…

With Gentry’s combination of big personalities, ‘Spy Trap’s tension is just as high-octane, with enemies around every corner in Bielsa’s detailed artwork and guns aimed right on our hero in Penalva’s bold cover.

|Story | Gentry | Art | Bielsa | Cover | Penalva |
Originally Commando No 396 (April 1969) Reprinted No 1147 (1977)

5065: Action and Adventure: Wings of Woe

Flying from a young age with hopes of becoming a pilot, our hero is instead assigned as a bomb aimer and navigator, but strives to rise in the ranks and take control of his aircraft.  His name is Jurgen Loden and he flies in a Heinkel...

Desperate to live up to his older brother and idol, a German fighter pilot in the First World War, Jurgen wants nothing more than to defend his country, but when he sees the destruction his bombs inflict he begins to question the Nazi cause.

A compelling perspective from George Low, with detailed artwork by Rezzonico and a suitably stunning aerial cover from Ian Kennedy, ‘Wings of Woe’ is a stand out issue for any collection.

|Story | George Low | Art | Rezzonico | Cover | Ian Kennedy |

5066: Silver Collection: Dead Men’s Revenge

Lying under rubble from a fallen building, Nick Gray’s life was slowly draining. That’s when he saw them. Hazy wraiths in uniforms from the last great war. They were at Ypres, they told him. Betrayed by their C.O. they were court martialled and executed on the ground Nick’s broken body lies on. “It’s not your time,” they tell him. Nick must complete the task given to him by these revenants if they are ever to be at peace…

A dark number from Ian Clark, ‘Dead Men’s Revenge’ deals with sacrifice and the young men of World War Two being haunted by the heroics of the past generation which they must live up to. Combine that with artwork and cover by Ibanez and this eerie issue really packs an equally supernatural and poignant punch.

|Story | Ian Clark | Art |Ibanez | Cover | Ibanez |
Originally Commando No 2647 (March 1993)

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