Thursday, October 05, 2017

The Prisoner, - new comic coming from Titan in 2018

I've known about this for a while but was sworn to secrecy, hoping for an exclusive. Now the news is all over the 'net and I didn't even get the press release. To paraphrase the show, I wanted information... information... but I didn't get it. Anyway, I'm still giving it a quick promo because I know some of you will be interested. In 2018, Titan Comics will launch The Prisoner, a new comic inspired by the classic TV series. The comic will be written by Peter Milligan and illustrated by Colin Lorimer. You can read more about it here:

1 comment:

  1. Didn't hear of this and will search it out. One of my favourite Telly shows, even if I did only see it for the first time in the ninties! Pete Milligan writing too means a decent script, not heard of the artist.


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