Sunday, November 19, 2017

Meanwhile, on my OTHER blog...

If you're new to the Blimey! blog you may not know that I have another blog I regularly update too. That's lewstringercomics, which is focused on my own comics work, covering all the news about my current strips as well as showing material I've done over the 34 years of my career (and sometimes even material older than that from my fanzine days). 

If you're interested, hop over there and have a rummage around to see the various stuff I've posted over the years! Thanks for your time. 


  1. Both your blogs are top notch Lew

  2. What mj said.

    Your other blog annoys me a little bit, mind. All that lovely original art and I don't own any of it!

    *Glares at your eBay page*

  3. Don't worry, Kal. I still have loads of my original artwork and I'll be putting some on eBay again next year.


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