Saturday, November 18, 2017

Poll results

I recently ran polls on my Twitter account and on here, to see how often people visited my blog. Not that many people voted unfortunately, but here's the results. Firstly the Twitter poll... the poll I posted here...
I'm pleased that most of you who voted visit regularly, although on average it's not every day so there will be changes to Blimey! in 2018. I won't be posting as often for one thing, and other changes will be considered too. I'll tell you more about that at a later date.

Thanks for your votes. I hope you continue to enjoy this blog however often you visit.


  1. I'll admit I never saw the survey Lew. You can add another vote for every day and that's for both blogs.

  2. I’d be real sorry Len to see a reduction in posts, I look at this site every day I get home from work. I honestly thought there was more interest in British comics and if you were in to Vrirush comics why would you not look at this blog??? I will continue to visit here, you’re doing a fantastic job and I take it for granted something will be here, looks like that will change.

  3. It can be too time consuming, Andrew, and I need to spend more time on my work, but I'll still post a few times a week. Some weeks every day, depending on news etc. I'll mainly be cutting back on comics news and reviews, but Down the Tubes covers that anyway, so no one will miss out.

    Lew (not Len) ;)

  4. I look forward to your contributions, Lew, no matter how often.


  5. Fair enough...tricky to get the right balance...look forward to old comics..maybe you could link down the tube to show the new comic news..

  6. I've been linking to Down the Tubes for years, Peter. See the column of links at the right hand side of this blog.

  7. Lew

    First time comment. Just wanted to say I love your blog, especially the posts on the old comics. I'd hate to see a reduction but any will be welcome.

    Can't believe 18 said they won't be back - why would they bother to vote? I guess it was a chance for haters to hate.

  8. Yeah, that was a bit odd, Steve. I hope most of the 18 just meant they only visited rarely, but, yes, no doubt it gave a couple of people a chance to be nasty. Little things please little minds.

  9. I can't vote on my phone or it would have been every day for me!

  10. Thanks, mj. It must be difficult to read the strips on your phone screen though?

  11. Surprisingly, they are quite clear if I tap twice, takes a bit of getting used to. I probably could vote if I looked into how to do it!!

  12. That's good to know. I haven't looked too closely at my blog on my phone, apart from checking that the text looks ok.


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