Friday, November 10, 2017

Vote! Vote! Vote! (If you don't mind, please.)

I've added a poll in the sidebar to the right of this post, asking how often you visit this blog. You probably won't see it if you read Blimey! by phone or just check your e-mails, so if you do, scroll down and click on 'View web version' to visit and vote, that'd be great. Thanks in advance!


  1. I subscribe to this blog on blogger, so I get notified of new posts and I click on the ones that are on subjects that interest me, which is usually a couple of times a week, but sometimes more!

  2. Thanks. Out of interest, are you more interested in posts about old comics or current ones?

  3. I visit your blog every day, but as I'm currently reading your blog on my phone, I'll vote on my laptop later on this morning.

  4. Little bit of options 1, 2, and 3.

    Two or three visits a week is relatively common; more regularly if you've a post up that's attracting comments. Then I can go a week or two pottering around elsewhere on the internet.

    Mainly interested in posts about old comics (or collections of them) and the odd anecdote about the industry, but it's good to read about the new stuff out there as well.

  5. I visit every day - you're one of the links on my Favourites bar. Generally I come for the posts about old comics.

  6. I get this blog in my email at about 10:00 pm and read it every night. I am mainly interested in your writings on British comics history.

  7. "Out of interest, are you more interested in posts about old comics or current ones?"

    Old comics, and new comics that look a bit offbeat or small-press, but I'm look at some of the posts about modern mainstream or newsagent comics too. Comics is a broad church.

  8. I just voted on my wonderful Samsung tablet - it's really annoying that certain things can only be done with a desktop computer/laptop even though tablets now outsell laptops (I think). I bought my laptop in January 2011 and it's now on its' last legs and painfully slow so I'm glad my tablet lets me vote in the Blimey poll, hooray!

  9. Thanks, Colin!

    Thanks for your reply, keepsakes!


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