Saturday, December 09, 2017

The Christmas 2000AD - Big preview!

Thanks to the publishers, Rebellion, here's your first peek at the bumper 100 page Christmas issue of 2000AD (Prog 2061), - on sale from this coming Wednesday, 13th December...

UK & DIGITAL: 16th December 2017 £4.99
NORTH AMERICA: 16th January 2018 $13.50

In this issue:
JUDGE DREDD: ECHOES by Michael Carroll (w) Colin MacNeil (a) Chris Blythe (c) Annie Parkhouse (l)

BRASS SUN: ENGINE SUMMER by Ian Edginton (w) INJ Culbard (a) Ellie De Ville (l)

SAVAGE: THE THOUSAND YEAR STARE by Pat Mills (w) Patrick Goddard (a) Ellie De Ville (l)

BAD COMPANY: TERRORISTS by Peter Milligan (w) Rufus Dayglo (a) Dom Regan (c) Simon Bowland (l)

THE FALL OF DEADWORLD: AVA by Kek-W (w) Dave Kendall (a) Annie Parkhouse (l)

ACE TRUCKING CO. by Eddie Robson (w) Nigel Dobbyn (a) Ellie De Ville (l)

ABC WARRIORS: FALLOUT by Pat Mills (w) Clint Langley (a) Annie Parkhouse (l) 

STARLORD: WATCH THE STARS! by Kenneth Neimand (w) Henry Flint (a) Simon Bowland (l)

Available in print from: UK newsagents and all good comic book stores via Diamond 

Remember that this issue will be on sale for three weeks, so the following issue won't be on sale until 3rd January!


  1. ABC Warriors and the Tharg/Starlord thing are tempting me to stay with the progs, but what the hell is going on with Dredd's uniform lately? I thought it was a quirk of the last couple of artists but it looks here to stay. Continuity with the upcoming TV show? The beauty of Dredd's uniform is that every artist has his own take on it - from McMahon's 'Big Boots' to Gibson's 'Talking Eagle', etc, etc... It's a dull move.

  2. god its still so weird seeing savage weilding anything but his "shootah"

  3. Last week's prog was the Christmas issue. This is a one off special magazine not related to the weekly continuity.

  4. Jute, either you don't read 2000AD or you're trolling. Either way, you're 100% wrong.

    Lee, Dredd has his usual look for the cover so I think the uniform change was just for this current storyline.

  5. A great Christmas prog as usual. The revealing story about Starlord is brilliant. Not sure how his star troopers will react though. ;)

  6. That may well be my favourite Christmas cover ever as far as 2000 AD is concerned. I need to pin that up on my wall. :)

    Still loving the publication. Very glad it's still going.

    If anyone hasn't listened to the 2000 AD podcast, it's definitely a podcast that is worth your time.

  7. Haven't read the issue yet, as I prefer to wait until it's in the shops (and I delete the advance PDF of the comics Rebellion give me after I select preview pages).

  8. It would be nice if all the stories in the Christmas issue were self contained, almost like the old annuals and thus a true "jumping on" point for new readers. In fact, I think the comic would do itself a lot of favours if it had two complete stories in every issue alongside the serials.

    But I guess the lure of the collected editions is to much to miss, financially.

  9. Collected editions of complete stories would still be attractive though. They're doing a collected Future Shocks next year I think.

    One of the strengths of the old DC Thomson adventure comics is that many of their serials had self contained episodes. Each episode would resolve its conflict in one chapter, but move the plot forwards at the same time. Clever writing. IPC on the other hand, tended to have cliffhangers, and as 2000AD was born of that tradition it's tended to keep it.


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