Thursday, January 04, 2018

More Jim Baikie artwork

Tributes have appeared on numerous places online since the sad passing of artist Jim Baikie recently. I've found a couple of examples from my collection that I thought you might like to see of his work for the girls' comic Jinty that he contributed to in the late 1970s / early 1980s.

The episode of Village of Fame is from Jinty dated 29th September 1979

The episode of White Water is from Jinty dated 19th April 1980.

A marvellous artist. You can read tributes to Mr.Baikie at the following links:

To discover more about Jinty comic and its creators, visit the wonderful Jinty blog:


  1. One of the interior images from The Village of Fame was turned into this striking cover:

  2. I had the pleasure of meeting Jim at Lucca decades ago. A fine guy and a incredibly talented artist.

    (Love the snooty girl's snooty dog.)

  3. That's a really eye-catching cover. Thanks for the link, Jenni.

    I was having a pie and a pint with Mike Higgs tonight, Smurfswacker, who was a friend of Jim's and was also with him at Lucca that year. Jim was also one of the attendees at the very first UK comic con, 50 years ago.

  4. This isn't an appropriate response but... I am curious how the girls in the next episode of "Village of Fame" are going to disgrace their school. Oh well... "Bash Street Kids", "Swots and Blots", and even "Space School" find a new way to do that every week.

  5. I've no idea, Robert, sorry. I only have a handful of issues of Jinty.

  6. I was given (from a cousin) and old TV action annual today.. just had time for a quick flip through and noticed the name 'Jim Baikie' on the Doctor Who strip.. I throught, where have i head that name of late?... just had to double check and damn.. not the best ways of remember a name but good art.


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