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Saturday, January 27, 2018

RADIO FUN, this week in 1947

I'm still busy so there's only time for a very quick post again. I thought I'd show a few pages from the issue of Radio Fun that was on sale this very week in 1947. A popular comic for many years. The cover strip at this time It's That Man Again was of course inspired by the very popular radio show, often abbreviated as ITMA. Art by Bertie Brown.

A few interior pages were also graced by Bertie Brown's distinctive style, such as this Cheerful Charlie Chester comedy serial...

I may be completely wrong, but I think Our Brains Trust was drawn by Swedish cartoonist Alex Akerbladh. Can anyone out there confirm this? 

I'm not sure of the artists of these strips either. I think Jimmy Durante might be by George Parlett. Again, can anyone help please? 

I hope you've enjoyed this trip back to 1947. Thanks for coming along!


Peter Gray said...

Enjoyed the Jimmy one...kind of Blarney Bluffer type..

Robert Carnegie said...

I did not expect to see Petula Clark's name on that cover, but more fool me.

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