Saturday, March 10, 2018

Jinty Vol.1 cover revealed?

Amazon and other online stores are showing a cover for Jinty Volume 1, the upcoming collection to be published by Rebellion in June. I don't know at this point if this will be the finished cover or just a mock up for the trade, but no doubt the publishers will reveal more in a few months. 

This particular cover is a composite of two cover images from Jinty weekly, showcasing the two serials that are collected within its pages. To find out more and pre-order your copy of the book, visit Amazon. Alternatively, you could wait until it's available to buy directly from the publisher here:

Speaking of Jinty, on Jenni Scott's blog she has just uploaded an interview with Christine Ellingham who was an artist on the comic. Follow this link to read it:

UPDATE: Incidentally, although Pat Mills wrote Land of No Tears he wasn't the writer of The Human Zoo, and the book cover doesn't make that clear. My thanks to Jenni Scott for the info. 

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