Thursday, April 26, 2018

Today's Marvel Legends is a free gift issue

It's very rare for Panini's Marvel Collectors' Editions to carry free gifts, - in fact I think it's been several years since the last one, - but Marvel Legends No.23, out today, has a cover mount of a pack of Marvel Trading Cards. (A similar gift was also with last week's Avengers Universe, so they may be given away with other Marvel titles soon too.) It's a good way to attract the attention of kids who have just been to see Avengers: Infinity War!

Here's the info on the latest Marvel Legends...

Marvel Legends Vol. 3 #23. On sale 26th April 2018. FREE MARVEL TRADING CARDS!
76 Action-Packed pages featuring Marvel’s ‘Big 3’ – Iron Man, Captain America and Thor! £3.99!

A Secret Empire Chapter! Captain America, the Hydra Supreme, and ruler of the USA speaks openly about how Hydra are making America great again. (Note, that this tale takes place after the events of Avengers Universe #5, on sale now!) 

Plus, Ironheart is the new queen of Latveria! 

Finally, to reclaim his honour and the hammer of Ultimate Thor, the Odinson battles the Collector and Thanos’s Black Order!

By Nick Spencer, Andres Guinaldo, Javier Pina, Yildiray Çinar, Kevin Libranda, Jon Malin, Brian Michael Bendis, Stefano Caselli, Jason Aaron and Olivier Coipel!
Includes material reprinted from Captain America: Steve Rogers #17, Invincible Iron Man #10 and Unworthy Thor #4!

On sale from WH Smith, selected newsagents, and comic shops.


  1. I love the Panini titles but I was wondering whether the next couple of MWOM should have carried extra Avengers strips alongside Black Panther and Doctor Strange. This is a big MCU month and as good as Secret Empire is within the pages of Avengers Universe, I’m not sure that it’s particularly accessible to the casual reader/consumer.

  2. I thought the same myself, Christopher. A missed opportunity not to put Thanos on the cover. I'm not a fan of the Champions at all (I'm too old for teen characters I guess) and they're on the cover again next month.

    1. Panini also have the squarebound Thanos softcover one-shot racked alongside their usual titles so - maybe - they wanted readers to gravitate towards that rather than a cheaper option in the regular line-up.

  3. I cannot get with Captain America turned into a Nazi (secret ROT-13 code message: vg vfag gur erny pncgnva nzrevpn), but as a plus, "Avengers Infinity War" has EVERYONE in it. Well - except for Silver Surfer, Iron Lass, The Champions, The X-Men, The Defenders...... pretty much NOT everyone.

  4. I didn't enjoy the Nazi Cap storyline at all. I felt it was ill-judged and it dragged on far too long. On the other hand, Superior Spider-Man was a great twist, had some nice touches of humour, and I would have been pleased to have seen that carry on a little longer. I'm buying Marvel Legends just for Thor and Iron Man at present. I've already read the Cap stories and disliked them so much I'm just skipping those pages in the reprint. (Whereas usually I'd read the reprints to enjoy them again.)

  5. Yes, I saw that in Tesco the other day, although it had been placed alongside movie mags rather than with the comics. Still, it should reach the right audience.

  6. Good throwback to the early days of the Collectors Edition range which had trading cards given away free quite often up until about 1999. The next issue page of the latest Avengers shows "Free Trading Cards" again, wonder if they've gone a month early to tie in with Infinity War.

    On MWOM, I wonder if Panini totally underestimate how big a smash Black Panther would be at the box office and wishing they had kept the Panther on the cover for a few more months.The decision to reboot with Silver Surfer on the cover (as brilliant as that series is) whilst every other arc is partway through is probably one of the most baffling reboots Panini has done, and they are usually pretty logical.

  7. The issue with Black Panther on the cover sold lots of copies around here within the first two weeks. The one with the Surfer on is... not moving so quickly.


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