Sunday, April 29, 2018

Want to know more about working in comics?

I don't think I'll be at this event myself but I'm giving it a plug here because it's well worth your time if you're an aspiring comics creator. On 7th and 8th July, Birmingham will host Comics Uncovered, a two-day seminar with guest speakers presenting workshops, demos, and talks with revealing insights into comics creation. 

Here's the info from their Facebook page:

Have you ever wanted to be a professional comics creator? Or are you a professional looking to take your career to the next Level?
Perhaps you'd like to be working for a major publisher or publishing your own comics?
In the UK there are limited paths to careers for you. We know that, because we've trodden that same road ourselves.
It is our mission to help you take those first steps, or perhaps even the most important steps, on that path and Comics Uncovered features over a dozen seminars, workshops, demos and master-classes conducted by top professionals, all aimed at creative people like you.
Guest Speakers include influential professionals from across the world of Comics and over the two days you will have the opportunity to join both short 2 hour workshops and full weekend courses plus everything in between.
Some events are for beginners, whilst some are for more advanced creators.
There are also one to one portfolio reviews with editors, meetings with distributors for self publishers and a catered networking party in the evenings to help you secure those valuable connections made during the day.
This year we are also hosting a Self Publishing Summit for independent creators and self publishers to discuss ideas for producing and promoting their work and to learn more about branding and marketing their own intelectual properties.
If you are serious about a career in comics and graphic novels then Comics Uncovered is the one essentail event on the calendar for you every other year!

Learn more and book tickets at:

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