Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Four COMMANDO comics out this week

The info on the latest issues of Commando, on sale this week...

5127: Home of Heroes: Last Boat Home

Stranded east of the border in Blitzkrieged Belgium, Lieutenant Jack Dodds was going to get his men home at any cost — but with no hope of reaching Dunkirk, survival looked slim. However, with home just across the Channel, Jack’s family would face the treacherous, mine-filled waters and Panzer shells that awaited them just to try and bring Jack home!
A Dunkirk story set outwith Dunkirk, Richard Davis’ latest issue of Commando is a microcosm of the event, centring on family and how the people of Britain did whatever they could to save the ones they loved. Beautifully illustrated by Paolo Ongaro, and with a moody over by Neil Roberts, this Commando will stand out on any shelf.

|Story | Richard Davis | Art | Paolo Ongaro | Cover | Neil Roberts |

5128: Gold Collection: Terror Drop

Parachuting straight into Nazi-occupied Poland, Lieutenant Ron Barclay had read his orders and burned them. This was a top secret mission and even he didn’t know all the details. He had been told only that they were to infiltrate the Gestapo HQ and capture the reviled SS officer, Schafer. But, when they found him, Ron couldn’t believe what he saw…

Allan’s gritty story starts in a rain of fire and does not relent! Meanwhile, award-winning interior and cover artists Victor de la Fuente and Jordi Bosch Penalver enhance the action with striking artwork.

|Story | Allan | Art | V Fuente | Cover | Penalva |
Originally Commando No. 433 (December 1969). Reprinted No. 1247 (August 1978).

5129: Action and Adventure: Desert Deception

Sipping Spatburgunder and listening to classical music on their gramophone in the middle of the North African desert, Swiss cousins Theo and Lena Zug seemed completely out of place in a war zone. But with SPA-Viberti AS.42 Saharianas patrolling the dunes, and Kittyhawks and Macchi C.202s duelling in the skies above, it was difficult to know just who this eccentric pair were and what deceptions they might be hiding.

Possibly the most ‘Commando’ issue ever, ‘Desert Deception’ features a stunning aerial cover from Ian Kennedy, story by former editor George Low and chunky interior art by Morhain.

|Story | George Low | Art | Morhain | Cover | Ian Kennedy |

5130: Silver Collection: Air Pirates

He glided over the murky jungle, hunting the North Vietnamese troops who lurked beneath the treetops, but Roy Armour had more than Charlie to worry about. With commie spies and drug dealers among the ranks, Roy had to watch his back every second at base — and in the air!

With an unforgettable cover by Jose Maria Jorge, we see Ian Clark’s steely Roy Armour up-close, fire blistering the Vietnamese jungle behind him — it doesn’t get much more macho than that!

|Story | Ian Clark | Art | Jose Maria Jorge| Cover | Jose Maria Jorge |
Originally Commando No. 2753 (April 1994).

1 comment:

  1. I think a word might be missing in calling "Desert Deception" "Possibly the most 'Commando' issue ever". Most off-beat, possibly - since apparently it's about a couple of Swiss tourists camping in a war zone.

    But I haven't yet read the last "Commando" I bought, so maybe I'll wait for the next reprint of this story, in 2032?


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