Sunday, May 27, 2018

Photos from Wigan Comic Con 2018

My thanks to Paul Prescott and his team for their kind hospitality at Wigan Comic Con yesterday. They looked after the guests well and it was a pleasure to attend. 

As with all of these multi-media events, the majority of attendees are there to see the actors and cosplayers and haven't read a comic since they were little kids, but that often works to a comic creator's advantage because it means we meet people who might otherwise never see our work. It's always good to attract a new audience outside of the usual comics community. 

My thanks to those who stopped by for a chat, sketch, or to buy a comic! It was great to see Paul Twist again, and to finally meet Caroline Chadwick, who's been a fan of Tom Thug since the days of Oink! It was also good to catch up with comics buddies Dave and Paul Windett and Graham Pearce.

Here's a few photos from the day...

9a.m.... Guests and traders setting up, ready for the 10a.m. opening.

Graham Pearce, creator of Sgt. Mike Battle!

Cartoonist Dave Windett!

Sam Johnson, creator of Geek Girl!

Tools of the trade.

Tom Thug's No.1 fan Caroline, pleased with a sketch.

Look out! It's Doctor Robotnik!

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