Thursday, May 31, 2018

Upcoming conventions

It's a busy period at the moment with strip deadlines and conventions so please forgive me for not running a post on old comics for a while. (Those posts always take time to prepare, scan, research etc.)

This Sunday I'll be a guest at STC25, a celebration of 25 years since the launch of Sonic the Comic, which became one of the most successful comics of the 1990s. Other guests will include Richard Elson, Nigel Kitching, Carl Flint, Nigel Dobbyn and Feran Rodriguez Sanchez. It takes place at the Fab Cafe, Manchester, and tickets are very limited and must be purchased in advance. (No on-the-door ticket sales.) If you're interested in attending, contact the organiser via their Facebook page at this link:

Then, the following week...

On Saturday 9th June, it'll be the first Wythenshawe Comic Con at the Forum Centre, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 5RX. As well as myself, guests will include Nigel Parkinson, David Leach, Mike Collins, and Accent UK Comics. For more info, see their Facebook page here:
Two events in Manchester on consecutive weekends! Hope to see you there!


  1. not gonna lie i would have like the stc one. i have fond memories of that comic

  2. Come along! I think there's still a few tickets left.

  3. As someone who isn't able to travel too far, I'm amazed at how many small comic/media conventions there are all over the country... and disappointed that there are none like these around the London/Essex area. Sure, there's the MCM and Showmasters events, but they've got too big and expensive. Why can't there be an event in Brentwood or Lakeside? There are plenty of suitable locations...

  4. There probably will be eventually, Kevin. EVents seem to be everywhere these days. I guess areas closer to London think it might be futile to rival Showmasters and MCM though, and think they might lose out.

    STC25 was an inspired event, - just dedicated to one comic. However it's a comic with a faithful fan base so it wouldn't work for most comics. 2000AD yes, Oink!... possibly. It would be nice to see more small shows like that though.

  5. I really liked Carl Flint's stuff. He did some work for a short-lived (but pretty funny magazine) The Truth.


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