Sunday, May 06, 2018

Van Helsing's Terror Tales collected!

Back in the 1970s there were lots of interesting things happening in British comics. One of which was House of Hammer, a magazine edited by Dez Skinn and published by Top Sellers / Warners. Launched in 1976, the format of the mag was to lead with a comic strip adaptation of a Hammer movie, run several articles and interviews pertaining to Hammer horror films, and end with a short, complete twist-in-the-tail comic strip entitled Van Helsing's Terror Tales

Those strips featured artwork by some of the UK's top creators such as Brian Lewis, John Bolton, Angus McKie, Trevor Goring, Martin Asbury, Jim Baikie, Patrick White, and more. Now, Dez Skinn has unearthed those horror classics from the vault and is publishing them in one 80 page limited edition hardback book. (The signed edition is limited to just 100 copies.)

The details are in the ad above. Pay via PayPal to

There's a lot of top quality material in this collection from a great period of UK comics. Don't miss it!

You can enter the discussion about this book on Dez's Monster Mag Facebook page:


  1. I think it's the signed edition that's limited to 100. But I'm probably wrong.

  2. Brian Bolland never drew one of Van Helsing's Terror Tales sadly , only two of the film adaptions. Might want to amend that? Terror Tales artists included Brian Lewis , John Bolton , Angus McKie , Trevor Goring , Martin Asbury , Jim Baikie , Patrick White , etc.

    Ade :)

  3. Thanks, Ade. I thought that was Brian's page shown at the left of the ad, but obviously not. Sadly I got rid of my HoH issues years ago so couldn't check. I'll amend that.

  4. Already ordered a copy. I think it's all limited BUT I'm not sure how many it's limited to, but the signed and numbered one is limited to 100.

  5. Yes, you're right. I've updated my text now. As the only publicity for it was the image I used, and I was in a rush, I'd misread it.

  6. Lew, while you're correcting things you might want to fix the picture link. It doesn't work.

    I looked for the book on Rebellion's 'site but it was nowhere to be found. How can I possibly order it??

  7. The picture isn't a link. The book isn't published by Rebellion. It's published by Dez Skinn. You can order it by sending a PayPal payment for the required amount to Dez's PayPal address as I noted above.


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