Thursday, June 07, 2018

Moon Madness! Original art by Brian Lewis from 1966

Moon Madness was the craziest adventure strip I ever read as a child, and my 7 year old self was gripped by every episode. Written by Alf Wallace and drawn by Brian Lewis, it appeared in Smash! in 1966 for just 9 weeks... but what exciting weeks! 

Now you can see the original art from the strip, being posted in installments on the AtomekArt Facebook page! The pages have lost a few captions over the decades but Brian Lewis' art is still worth seeing. Check it out....

...and if you want to know more about the strip, see my old blog post about it here...


  1. good art

    come to think of it, with re-reading that link... you never did that bit about The Legend Testers you said about ^_^

  2. I've heard so much about this strip and whilst I read Smash at this time I cant recall it (maybe for me at 6 years old I was a bit to young to "get it" ) anyway thanks for the link Lew, I will enjoy re-reading this for the first time(?)

  3. Thanks, Lew.

    Would have loved to have read the strip at the time. I recognise the artist as he drew a 2-part Dan Dare strip in 2000AD back in the 70s.

  4. Yep, a truly excellent artist who died far too soon. There's some other examples of his work on my blog if you use the search window. I'll post more examples soon too.


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