Thursday, July 05, 2018

Blog thoughts

A tiny part of my collection.
As you've no doubt noticed, I haven't blogged about old comics very much recently. It's mainly down to lack of time. Promos for the latest 2000AD, the Ken Reid books, Panini comics etc are easy to do and only take a few minutes, (especially if they supply the info), but researching old comics, scanning pages, etc takes a lot longer. Ditto for reviewing new comics, and apologies again for still having a pile of comics I haven't reviewed yet.

I had a week off last week to go on holiday, and now I need to catch up with work (deadlines all seem to come at once) so it'll still be a while before I blog about old comics here. I hope you understand. (Blog visits are well down, so a lot of you have given up. Inevitable really, and I understand.)

I must admit I don't have the enthusiasm for blogging as I did a few years ago, so that's a factor too. I've no plans to end it just yet but bear in mind that this blog won't be around forever. 

One blog I will always keep updated is my personal one. I know not all of you follow my work, but for those that do, here it is:

Another casualty of delays is Combat Colin No.3, which I'd planned to publish in May but now won't be ready until either the end of the month or August. Thanks for your patience.

In the meantime, I hope you do enjoy what I do have time to post, and if you crave old comics, have a rummage through this blog's archives to see what takes your fancy. Thanks, as always, for your support.

PS: Don't forget that you can always follow Down the Tubes for the latest UK comics news. Its blogmaster, John Freeman, does a far better job than me so I think you'll enjoy it:


  1. Glad you've done so many posts...great to reread...thanks for doing this amazing blog..look forward to your new posts when you are ready...

  2. Lew your posts are always something I look forward to and enjoy!

  3. Lew,
    Hope you can relocate your blogging muse. Very much enjoy your posts and will continue to check in.

  4. I'd be happy with one post a fortnight, looking back at old comics, rather than many in one week dealing with the new releases (unless it was something that wasn't being publicised : I only found out about the Beano 80th Anniversary special on here!). Stuff like 2000AD doesn't really need promoting every issue.

  5. I always read your Paninni and 2000AD blogs and find them very interesting as I'm not the comic fan I used to be so these blogs act as a good reminders for me when there is something of interest - I have picked up more 2000ADs in the last 2 years than in the previous 10 years due to your blog. I think there are quite a few bloggers around our age feeling the same (i.e less enthusiastic) personally I have been toying with the idea of doing a blog but reading about these"trolls" and seeing some ridiculously juvenile behaviour and comments in recent years puts me right off even attempting present. Good to hear your busy though and hope you had a good weeks holiday. Saying that I do love your blogs on old comics but I totally understand the work involved.

  6. Hey Lew. I continue to visit here every day enjoying your news and articles. Cheers

  7. Thanks everyone. News on new comics will continue, including a great one that was sent to me today. More about that next week.

  8. Thank you so much for your amazing blog, whenever you get chance to write it, and thanks for the recommendation!

  9. Hi Lew, shame that the stats are down but just wanted to say that like Andrew I also visit every day.


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