Tuesday, July 31, 2018

LFCC 2018, - another triumph!

Just one of the busy halls at LFCC2018.
The London Film and Comic Con that took place at Olympia last weekend was another winner! A convention that ran for three days (with Saturday having the longest hours of 9am to 7pm), it was very busy, albeit tiring (especially at my age). I enjoyed it immensely though, and the event had a nice friendly, upbeat atmosphere throughout. 

My thanks to Tony Lee and his team for the invitation and for their hospitality over the three days, ensuring the show ran very smoothly. It can't be easy organising over 100 comics guests, so respect to them for making it look less stressful than it surely was. 

I was hobbling about all weekend due to a strained Achilles tendon (that's what exercise does for you, kids!) so if any of you were wondering why I was limping, now you know. It was even more painful by the time I left on Sunday, but I don't regret going to the show. It was a superb event and I met a lot of really nice readers, plus it's always good to catch up with fellow creators and establish new friendships too. The comics community is great, and always has been.

Anyway, without further ado, here's a few photos from the weekend...

It was great to meet EMILY McGORMAN-BRUCE, who draws RUBI for THE BEANO.

Mighty MIKE COLLINS, comics creator and Doctor Who storyboard artist!

Fantastic rising talent VALENTINA SENNAIS and STARFALL comic, which she illustrated.

Fellow contributors to DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE, CRISTEL DEE, BETH AXFORD, and friends with their excellent 13th Doctor cosplay outfits.
Never mind Beatlemania, it was NIGELMANIA when NIGEL PARKINSON came to that London!

Best Cyberman cosplay ever!

Convention pics are a surefire way of finding out what the top of your head looks like! Doing a sketch for LaptopGeek92 and Dracorum Order (who took the photo of me). 
My comics did really well over the weekend. COMBAT COLIN sold out, and the launch of PEDANTIC STAN proved popular too!
One of the sketches I was commissioned to draw.

Everyone posts photos of their "convention haul" so here's mine. Reviews of these comics and books will appear on this blog over the next few weeks.


  1. I also thought that Cyberman cosplay was great. I asked him "are you a Minecraft Cyberman?" and he replied "no, just a crappy cardboard one". Genius.


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