Thursday, September 06, 2018

See you at HI VIS FESTIVAL this Saturday!

It's something totally different from the comic cons we're used to. Hi Vis is a street culture festival including music, dance, graffiti, and comics (and more!) and it takes place at the Custard Factory in Digbeth, Birmingham, on Saturday 8th September.

I'll be one of the guests, along with comics creator Sammy Borras, Simon Myers (artist of many covers for Titan's Doctor Who comics) and Steve Tanner (publisher/owner of Time Bomb Comics) and more, so come along and join us! 

I don't know what to expect. Sounds wild! Sounds fun! Let's find out!

More info:

Update: Here's a map so you'll know where to find us, in (2) the Market Hall... along with the Dance Battles!?! It's going to be memorable!

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