Thursday, October 18, 2018

Combat Colin No.3 to debut at Nottingham Comic Con this Saturday

This Saturday, 20th October, is the date for Nottingham Comic Con, a one-day event that's totally dedicated to comics and their creators. One of the comics on offer will be Combat Colin No.3, which will debut exclusively at the event. 

I'll be bringing along copies of the comic to sell on my table, and they won't be available anywhere else. (You'll be able to buy them from my online shop later next week.) 

Combat Colin No.3 is another 40 page issue (4 colour covers and 36 black and white interiors, U.S. comic book size) for £3.50. It reprints all the Combat Colin strips that originally appeared in Marvel UK's Transformers comic from July 1989 to February 1990. 

This issue reaches the era of Combat Colin stories where the strip really hit its stride, becoming even more fantastic in its themes with battles against monsters and aliens. It sees the introduction of The Gunge, The Brain, The Amazing Dave, and more, explains how the Atomic Underpants work, sees Colin trapped in The Place of No Return, and ends with an adventure on Mars! Fast-paced daft adventures for all ages.

I'll also be bringing along copies of Combat Colin 1 and 2, and Derek the Troll to the convention so see you at Nottingham Comic Con this Saturday! More info about the event here:


  1. Can't wait to read read this! Just putting my order in. Although I already have all of this in my old Transformers comics its fantastic to get to read them all collected together again. This is definitely where Colin was fully established with his own set of villains and The Brain/Mega Brain became his arch-enemy!

    Will you be reproducing the sequel to The Last Ooer? I believe that there was a story to show what actually happened that was available at a Transformers convention? I hope so!

  2. Due to a hiccup with the printing of some issues, No.3 won't be available to order until later this week but I'll announce it on both my blogs so you won't miss it.

    The sequel stories will be reprinted but with changes to improve bits I'm not happy with.

  3. Thanks Lew!

    I realised something was up as soon as I typed that and it wasn't available! It'll be worth the wait. I never read any of the sequels, I just know that there were some from what I've read on forums so it'll be great to finally see those! Thanks again!


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