Thursday, October 18, 2018

Free comic in this month's All About History magazine.

I've always felt that the magazine All About History is the closest modern equivalent to Look and Learn. All that was missing was a comic strip. Well, in this month's issue we do get a free comic bagged with the magazine! 

The eight page comic is the story of The Battle of Wakefield 1460, illustrated by John Welding. It was originally commissioned for display at the Old Wakefield Museum, so it's nice to see it in print in a handy A4 comic. 
You can read the strip in full at John's blog, but the free comic in All About History has been re-lettered with a slightly larger, and more legible font.

All About History is published monthly by Future Publishing, and has been running for several years now. It's an excellent, slick magazine covering all areas of history, well illustrated with artwork and photographs. 

All About History No.70 is on sale now from WH Smith and supermarkets. 100 pages, £5.99. 

Incidentally, All About History's sister publication, How It Works magazine, has a feature on the science of Doctor Who this month, and a Dalek cover! You'll also find this on sale in newsagents and supermarkets...

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, the Dalek placement makes that logo appear to say "How it work" ... which sounds like a made-up magazine from a Harry Enfield sketch or something!


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